Category: Sales

5 Unique ways to recapture competitor’s customers

Have you ever thought about how, no matter how hard you tried to make a better product or service, people are still not able to find out about you?

The market is overwhelming, and competition is enormous.

You spend your budget on commercials, but conversions are still not happening.

And, while you’re trying your best, everyone is talking about your competitors.

Fortunately, there are ways to make your business a “well-oiled machine” for recapturing competitor’s customers.

If you think that such a thing is not a ”fair fight”, do not worry. With these five solutions we have chosen for you, the competition with competitors remains within fair-play.

Continue reading this article, and it will become much clearer to you how to do that.


1. Create a high-converting landing page with competitor comparisons


Creating a landing page on which you can compare your brand with a competitive one might bring you much higher conversions.

But, you should be completely objective and insist on fair-play.

Before you begin making a landing page, keep in mind the following:

  1. Never try to add negative attributes to competitors that do not exist, just because you want to stand out in comparison to them.
  2. Don’t promise what you can’t do, because, after that, disappointment by the visitors of your landing page arises. If their expectations are not fulfilled, they are doubtful to return to your website.

After understanding these items, start creating the page.

Find the competitor that is more popular than you, but the one from whom, in reality, you can offer a better solution for your target group.

It’s up to you to take advantage of their popularity to get more customers and, what’s more important, your competitors’ customers.

Why is it essential that the competitor you compare yourself with has to be more popular than you or at least someone who’s your equal?

Because when people search, e.g., Trello, there will also be both those who have mentioned him on their websites and his alternatives.

In this way, someone who is not completely satisfied with the service that Trello provides will be able to choose one of its competitors who offer him with better user experience. Someone who suits his needs more.

To make it clearer, look at the following example that did with Trello.

First of all, as soon as you enter their landing page, you will see what the primary purpose of the tool is.

They then point out why they are a better option than Trello:

Then their features come to the visitor’s attention, and only at the end, when the visitor goes through all this information, the key proof is waiting for him.

It’s a comparison report that shows them black-and-white results, that is, why they should choose them and not their biggest competitor.

When you create your landing page to recapture competitor’s customers, you do not have to follow this example blindly.

Use it as an idea in which order should the information go when you decide to write your comparison. 

First, introduce people into your mission and purpose, and then point out key differences and evidence.

In the end, do not forget to set up a CTA button so people could be able to try out your product or service as soon as possible if they wanted to.

2. Write a catchy and objective article


Competitive analysis is another great way to recapture competitors’ customers.

The catchy and objective article will attract the attention of your competitors.

If they are not satisfied with a particular segment of your service or want to try something else, this is an excellent opportunity for you to introduce yourself to them.

Choose a few competitors and compare their offers and features with yours.

Don’t forget to write a realistic comparison. Do not present your competitors in a negative way only. 

Look how lemtalk wrote an article about Intercom alternatives

  • lemtalk
  • HelpCrunch
  • Drift
  • Zendesk

Lemtalk gave feedbacks about each of the four mentioned alternatives, including themselves. 

Every feedback is objective and explains why they wrote this comparison in the first place. 

Intercom was not the best solution for them, and the market has a lot of simpler and more affordable tools that are great for small team communication.

They compare each alternative with Intercom individually, tell you what the differences are, and what their experience with each of them is like.

Each tool is rated according to the following criteria:

  • Easy to setup
  • Easy to use
  • Customization options
  • Value for money
  • Customer Support effectiveness
  • Features Score

These metrics help the target group to summarize what lemtalk team thinks about other platforms.

Keep in mind that you should be careful when writing articles about competitive analysis

If your target audience has already used one of the tools, it will know whether you are objective or you want to make money on your competition’s account. So make sure you describe the real picture and your real experience. 

Also, do not try to make your offer seem much better than it is, because people will notice everything. 

Once they become disappointed in you, you will lose their trust and help your competition out.

So keep it real.

Another good example to look at is Userpilot’s article about 5 Appcues alternatives.


3. Outreach to the competitor’s customers


First of all, you will have to find the competitor’s customers.

Do your research (if you have not already) and find out on which sales channels are your competitors promoting themselves.

For example, in the case of social networks, check who their followers are. You can also look for them in the comment or review section.

Many companies now also build online communities through Facebook groups that are often closed and serve to maintain communication between the brand and its users. Join them, and you will acquire one more option to see who their followers are.

But you should know that these are often the most trusted buyers, so do not get too promotional once you get in touch with them.

Do this with all the promotional channels of your competition.

After you find their customers, make the first step.

Be polite and professional. Do not be too intrusive.

You can contact them directly through the platform on which you have found them, or you can send them an email if you’re able to reach them.

Emails are the best option because building quality mailing lists today can be of crucial importance to your business.

When you contact them, try to offer some deal (for example, a free demo or a free trial of your product) or explain why your product is better than the competitors.

Provide them with all the necessary information if you want to get them interested and convert them into your buyers.

4. Point out competitor’s weak spots


We can learn a lot in business only from doing research.

And the better and more thorough the research, the more information you will get that can be of great importance to you to improve your business and increase the number of customers.

Feedbacks, reviews, and comments can tell you a lot (but really, A LOT) about your competitors.

People like to express their opinions, whether they be positive or negative.

And especially, they like to share their experiences.

This is a gold mine of information when it comes to recapturing competitor’s customers.

Reviews on websites such as Capterra are a great source of opinion, interest, needs, and desires of your target group.

When you read what your target group wrote about your competition, you will find out what are they doing well and what not so.

It’s more than an excellent guideline to find out how to make a better product than theirs.

You will be able to offer potential customers exactly what they want and what they need.

For example, when you see a review where someone has complained about a particular matter concerning your competition or has given a proposal for improvement, it’s the right time to adopt that and provide them with your offer.

Then contact them, and let them know that maybe you can be the one to give them what they need and what they expect to resolve their pain points.

You can even have the interviews with competitors’ customers about their needs and problems, or offer them to fill out a survey.

Shortcomings of your competition can quickly become your strengths.


5. Monitor competitor’s online campaigns


Creating an online campaign requires a lot of time. Usually, it takes several months. But also, while you’re creating it, you can see errors and decide to correct them right away, which means this process can take even longer.

To create effective campaigns, monitoring your competitor’s online campaigns should be on your priority list.

By observing their campaigns and the changes that they are implementing, you will see what they have been doing wrong but also what your frequent target audience best responds to.

You should monitor the following:

If you analyze their strategies and moves, you will find out what are the best practices in your niche.

When you implement them, the results will include recaptured competitors’ customers and an extended customer base!

Remember that when it comes to the world of business, everything should be automated.

To automate the process of monitoring, your competition can use tools such as

You can choose features and who you want to monitor.

It’s effortless to use, and it will collect all of your important data in weekly reports.


The bottom line


As you can see, most of these methods for recapturing competitor’s customers are quite simple.

But, if you want to be successful, you need to make some effort and invest time in it.

Monitoring competitors’ online campaigns indeed take most of the time, as there are many items to be followed.

And the damage caused by wasted time is irreparable.

The amount of time required increases significantly when we understand how much the competitors need to be explored.

However, if you want to save a considerable amount of your time and focus on other important tasks, you can leave this part of the job in the care of the

You will get your reports ready for analysis, and after that, you only have to apply what the app shows as the best results.

It has different packages so you can choose which one is most suitable for you.

Now, with all this information, we think that you are ready to obtain a bigger base of potential customers.

It’s time to start using it.

Good luck!


13 Best free tools to manage and grow your startup

Founding your startup can be hard and challenging. Exhausting and time-consuming. The biggest reason why startups very often isn’t a bad idea. It’s a lack of knowledge and experience. That’s the reason why we have created a list of the best free tools you can use to manage and grow your startup.

The startups fail mostly because their foundation is crushed down. Foundation of your startup can be two things:

  • Business Model
  • Team

If either of these foundations fails, your startup will, in most cases, fail too.

But what are the biggest reasons why will your business model fail?

I started my journey when I was seventeen. I was so lucky that I had a great mentor. The biggest lesson I learned from him is:

“Time and money are equally important resources.”

This is mindblowing!

If you have time, but no money, you will don’t go so far. Also, if you have money but no time, you will fail very fast.

This is the reason why we have created an ultimate list of the [number] best free tools that will help you to manage and scale your startup.

We will start from the beginning, and the first tools which will we mention will help you to organize your team and yourself better.

Organization tools

Organization tools help us to plan better and be flexible. With excellent planning skills, we will never forget some task or pass the deadline.

1. Google Docs

Google docs are one of the best tools for your work. Personally, in the previous few months, I saw a significant amount of people who are using Google Docs instead of Microsoft Office.

Before all, the reasons for this are:

  • Access everywhere on any device
  • Multi-user editing, writing and commenting
  • Free to use with your Gmail account

Google Docs is suitable for your everyday writing and planning your marketing, sales, and business.

For your tables, data, lead generation, etc. – you can use Google Sheets. For your presentations, Google Slides will work very, very fine!

2. Trello

Trello is an excellent tool for planning your and your team’s workflow. They have a “free forever” plan, which will satisfy your needs very good at the beginning.

Trello is mainly used for task planning and scheduling your workflow. It’s mainly based on a KanBan methodology, which means that you can create boards and items/cards inside of them. Later, you can move your items from one column to another one.

In Trello’s free plan, you can invite as many team members as you want.

Trello will help you to schedule your tasks better, never forgot some assignments, and monitor your teams’ responsibilities.

3. Evernote

Quickly, Evernote can become your best friend. It’s a note-taking tool.

With Evernote, you can easily see all your notes on all of your devices. You can write notes wherever and whenever you are.

Evernote has a lifetime free account, which will be enough at the beginning. With your free Evernote account, you can sort and filter all of your notes, so you can later easily find what you need.

4. Calendly

Calendly allows you to schedule all of your meetings and appointments easily.

Just create your calendar with your free time, share the link with your prospects or business partners, and they will choose which time suits them best!

5. Slack

Slack is a free communication tool. It allows you to communicate with your team in private channels, and channels with different topics.

You can invite as many people as you want, and you can create whatever topics you want.

6. Dropbox

I supposed everyone heard about Dropbox, so there is no big need to explain what’s its’ main purpose.

Dropbox allows you to share files among your team members within seconds. You can access all of your files both from your computers or mobile phones.

Everything you need to do is to drag your file in your Dropbox desktop folder, and all of your team members will see it!

Tools for Business Growth

If you want to build an enduring business, you will need to grow. Every month, you should see at least a few percents of your income growth. Here are a few ways how can you grow your business:

  • With excellent Customer Development.
  • Understanding your customers’ behaviors.
  • With offering a great service
  • Providing Value
  • Better sales

So, here are a few tools which can help you to grow your business:

1. Typeform

Typeform is an excellent tool for customer development. With Typeform, you can create amazing and engaging customer surveys with cutting-edge design.

Typeform will help you to get attractive and valuable data about your customers’:

– Satisfaction

– Behaviors

– Problems

– Needs

– Your product feature and improvement ideas

2. ConvertFox

ConvertFox is a free customer messaging platform. With ConvertFox, you can see all the data about your customers (for example: when was the last time they have used your product).

You can use your customers’ data to segment your customers by the following rules:

– Paying customers

– Active trial customers

– Customers who finished their trial but didn’t continue with a paid plan

– Customers who just signed up for their trial, but never used it,

– And a list goes on and on.

ConvertFox will also help you with communicating with your customers.

Their free plan supports 500 customers, which is remarkable enough if you are at the beginning.

3. Agile CRM

Agile CRM is suitable for small and medium businesses. With their free plan, you can have up to 50 000 contacts and companies in your database!

Agile CRM allows you to plan your sales, track and gather your prospects, and, best of all, to see who is a hot lead and who is not!

Agile CRM is a great software for you since its’ free plan has everything you need when you are at the beginning.

4. Poptin

Poptin allows you to convert your website visitors into leads and customers easily.

To set up your Poptin account, you need a few minutes. After that, Poptin will show your website visitors appropriate messages at the right time!

For example, if you have an e-commerce shop and your website visitor is just about to leave your check-out page, Poptin will show them a message with a 20% discount on the item they are interested in.

5. Freshdesk

Ah, we all hate customer support, but in business, it’s essential. Excellent Customer Support is what makes a good business. Very often, companies are using Customer Support as their competitive advantage.

Freshdesk is one of the best customers that support helpdesks out there. It’s super simple to answer questions, and half of the processes are automatic.

In Its’ free forever plan, you will have everything you need till you don’t scale your startup!

5. Grammarly

If you are planning to write content, then you can’t write it without a Grammarly.

No matter how good your English knowledge is, Grammarly must be an inevitable part of your daily routine (I’m using it right now).

Grammarly will point on your mistakes and make its’ suggestions to correct them. It will improve your English knowledge. At least, it doesn’t let you look like a fool. 🙂

The most important free tool you will surely need.

All the tools I have mentioned above are perfect for your business. If you want to scale your company, then you will probably need to use them.

But there is one tool which is most important of all of them.

It’s your attitude.

Your attitude is what can make you either successful or not.

Work hard, and always have hope.

Read other competitive articles for your business

  • Competitive Intelligence Business – Competitive intelligence (CI) is a term you may have come across before. Like many industry buzzwords, it isn’t immediately apparent what CI is and how it can be useful to your business. But don’t worry, because we’re going to explain the ins, outs, pros, and cons of CI.


Monitor competitor website changes
You can get alerted when your competitors are making changes to their website.

Find competitor keywords
Finding your competitors’ keywords is essential for your business. It means that you focus your entire website on targeting high volume, quality keywords.

Track Social Media Pages
Social media competitive analysis is the constant monitoring and analyzing the moves of your competition on social media.

Competitor Email Monitoring
Tracking your competitors’ emails takes some time, but it’s well worth it!

How to do competitor analysis
One important step is to conduct an effective competitive analysis to evaluate your competitors’ brands.
