Category: updates

Slack Notifications, Youtube, Reviews Monitoring, Zapier (September Updates)

📌 Get your competitors’ updates on Slack! 📲

We know how important it is to be connected with your competitors’ updates and to receive notifications about their actions just in time so you can make decisions for your good.  You’ll not receive competitors’ updates only on your email and timeline but also on a chosen Slack Channel.

This month, we’ve just launched Slack Notifications so that you can send your competitors’ updates directly to a chosen Slack Channel. This feature will allow you to share your competitors’ moves with your colleagues or your team.  You can add this integration from your Account Settings – Slack Integration. Right after the integration is completed, you’ll start receiving updates.

📌 Curious to know what reviews your competitors receive? 👀

With our new feature in trial and agency plans, you can monitor what people say online about your competitors’ products and services.

Checking your competitors’ reviews could be a helpful technique to find new customers for your services/business and to gain valuable insights on how you can improve your brand. Keep an eye on what customers are writing about your competitors, notice what they are doing, good or bad, and see how you can improve your online reputation and your entire business.

Are people leaving nasty comments about your competitors? Are your competitors responsive to their comments? Analyze your competitors’ reviews and use these insights to develop your online image and attract customers. Use this feature to improve your users’ experience and services and develop your business.

We support more than 70 review sites. After you sign in, we’ll automatically discover four review sites for each competitor (also, you can add them manually from DOMAINS & COMPETITORS – EDIT). As soon as the data is imported, you’ll be able to see their reviews on your timeline. Once a competitor receives a new review, you’ll be notified.

📌 Start monitoring your competitors’ YouTube channels

Track your timeline and your competitors’ YouTube posts, and get an insight into their YouTube content. You’ll be notified whenever a competitor posts a new video on their YouTube channel. All you have to do is add each competitor’s YouTube link. Once the data is imported, you’ll get insights on their posts, frequency, engagement, #hashtags, and more.

Go to each competitor’s settings and add their YouTube channel link to track their activity.

📌 Connect Competitors App with Zapier

Go to Account Settings and connect Competitors App with Zapier to automate your work and be more productive without losing a competitor update.

Competitor finder & new timeline filters

When developing new features at Competitors App, we rely on our user’s feedback, and we’re always trying to facilitate their process of monitoring competitors’ marketing activities. Here are our latest platform features:

Ignore new web page alerts from the timeline

Ignore any new web page URL that contains a pattern chosen by you. The page and details related to it will be omitted from the timeline page and email report. This way, you’ll filter the available data according to your preferences and needs.

For example, if you’re not interested in receiving notifications regarding the Pricing page or Features page, copy-paste the website link to “New Webpages URL Ignored Pattern,” and you’ll stop receiving notifications about the Price/Features. Anytime you want, you can start re-monitoring the ignored URL by moving the links on the left side to “Website Change Monitoring.”

New competitor finder selection keywords

Find new competitors starting from a keyword. All you have to do is to make sure that you check the particular keyword/s, and soon, you’ll be able to monitor new competitors who use the same keyword/s as you.

We develop this feature as an essential need for entrepreneurs and companies. Nowadays, businesses should always be aware of their possible and future competitors on the market to make further decisions and polish their strategies after gathering competitors’ insights.

We understand that finding online competitors for a particular business is not easy, especially when done manually. This feature is an easy and quick method that helps users with their competitive research.

Filter your timeline according to your interest

Choose what you want to see on your timeline based on your needs and interest. Now you can select a particular feature or focus just on a competitor.

The filter helps you to organize your timeline and your competitors’ data. All you have to do is select a particular feature if you’re interested in seeing only updates regarding that specific feature on your timeline. Leave that/those feature/s you want to hide from your timeline unchecked.

For example, if you’re interested in monitoring Social Media updates of Samsung, you must select the particular competitor, Samsung, and the Social Media feature. Moving forward, you can choose a specific Social Media channel for a more detailed overview.

The main goal of those new features is to facilitate the process of tracking all your competitors’ moves on Competitors App and helping you to organize your competitors’ data better.

Next steps

YouTube monitoring a new Social Media feature that will keep you updated with your competitors’ activity on YouTube. You’ll be able to see on your timeline, in real-time, all videos posted by competitors and details regarding engagement.

Reviews, the feature will show on your timeline what people say online, on different review sites, about your competitors’ products and services.

Launching Slack integration, allowing you to receive notifications on your competitors’ moves directly in a Slack channel. This feature helps teams and users who usually share competitors’ updates within the team. So every time a competitor makes a move, you’ll be notified of your email, timeline, and Slack.

Read other competitive articles for your business

  • Competitive Intelligence Business – Competitive intelligence (CI) is a term you may have come across before. Like many industry buzzwords, it isn’t immediately apparent what CI is and how it can be useful to your business. But don’t worry, because we’re going to explain the ins, outs, pros, and cons of CI.


Monitor competitor website changes
You can get alerted when your competitors are making changes to their website.

Find competitor keywords
Finding your competitors’ keywords is essential for your business. It means that you focus your entire website on targeting high volume, quality keywords.

Track Social Media Pages
Social media competitive analysis is the constant monitoring and analyzing the moves of your competition on social media.

Competitor Email Monitoring
Tracking your competitors’ emails takes some time, but it’s well worth it!

How to do competitor analysis
One important step is to conduct an effective competitive analysis to evaluate your competitors’ brands.
