
Displaying “Alternative to” competitors is good for business

Many people are afraid to say to their users who their competitors are, but if you do it and do it right, you can convert users that would choose your competition if they are undecided.

You don’t need to send the users a message telling them who your competitors are. Still, you can create pages on your website where you show the advantages of using your business vs. your competitors (remember that you control your website content, so you can write whatever you want that will gain the visitor trust).

Keep in mind that you, as the business owner, know very well your competitors, their strengths, and weaknesses, but the average user is not focused as much as you to know all of this. They will believe what they read.

Visitors arriving at those pages want exactly that, to see the differences, the advantages of using your software.

Be sure to include what features you have that your competitors do not write in your own words, what do you do better, compare the price, and if it’s higher, explain why. Make a list of Pros and Cons to be easier to read, add a few screenshots, and maybe 3rd party review sites if your score is higher.

Your page should always end with a call to action so the visitor can register to your website or subscribe to a newsletter so they can enter your onboarding funnel.

Benefits for displaying your competitors

A lot of people are searching on Google for alternatives: “alternative to or “vs.” or “compare.” They are either unhappy with their current solution or want to see if there is a cheaper solution or just undecided.

Those users are either unhappy with their current solution or want to see if there is a cheaper solution or just undecided.

alternative to google trends

Websites like Alternative To and G2 Crowd rely on people searching for these keywords.

Make sure you create a page on your business website so you may rank in front of Google, so visitors arrive on your site.

Examples of websites that display their competitors

Chargebee comparing to Chargify and others

  1. Address the pain point of the visitor in the first paragraph: “Looking for a Chargify alternative?looking-for-chargify-alternative
  2. 3rd party reviews from G2 Crowdg2crowd 3rd party review
  3. Feature comparisonfeature comparation
  4. Clients testimonials that say why did they switch to Chargebee (very smart).clients testimonials
  5. Other clients highlightclients highlight
  6. Links in the footer with the competition (benefiting a lot for search engine traffic).footer link competition

Other good examples of businesses showcasing their competitors on their website (in a smart way).

Drift as Intercom alternative – they rank #4 on Google on keyword “intercom alternative,” in front of

drift intercom alternative

Chatra as Drift alternative – ranking #2 on Google for “drift alternative” (probably until Intercom decides to create a page to showcase the alternative of Drift). They have a nice image in the header.

chatra vs drift

Intercom as alternative to Zendesk for Customer Support – intercom is also targeting the market, adding “customer support” (Zendesk Alternative for Customer Support | Intercom) or “live chat” (Olark Alternative for Live Chat | Intercom)


Read other competitive articles for your business

  • Competitive Intelligence Business – Competitive intelligence (CI) is a term you may have come across before. Like many industry buzzwords, it isn’t immediately apparent what CI is and how it can be useful to your business. But don’t worry, because we’re going to explain the ins, outs, pros, and cons of CI.

Table of Contents

Monitor your Competitors Automatically


Monitor competitor website changes
You can get alerted when your competitors are making changes to their website.

Find competitor keywords
Finding your competitors’ keywords is essential for your business. It means that you focus your entire website on targeting high volume, quality keywords.

Track Social Media Pages
Social media competitive analysis is the constant monitoring and analyzing the moves of your competition on social media.

Competitor Email Monitoring
Tracking your competitors’ emails takes some time, but it’s well worth it!

How to do competitor analysis
One important step is to conduct an effective competitive analysis to evaluate your competitors’ brands.

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